HTML is a very important coding language for building websites. It is what creates the information on the website. CSS can be used to style the website and JavaScript can be used to make the website interactive but HTML is what gets the information down on the page. It allows us to add text, links, pictures, and more to a website.

There are many different tags that are used and when we combine them into one program it can add many things to our website. When you are starting a program the first thing that you want to incorporate to make the coding work is "<!DOCTYPE html>". Then you should put "<html> and <body>. At the end of the code you should put </body> and </html>. This tells the computer the type of coding you are doing and defines the body of the code.

The rest of the code should go between the two body tags. From this point, the code is customizable based on what you want the website to look like. Some helpful tags include...

<h1> insert heading text here </h1> -Creates headings (as you increase the number in h1 the size of the heading decreases)

<p> insert paragraph text here </p> -Allows you to add text

<b> insert bold test here </b> -Makes text bold

<i> insert italicized text here </i> -Makes text italicized

<mark> insert highlighted text here </mark> -Makes text highlighted

<q> insert quoted text here </q> -Puts text in quotes

<small> insert small text here </small> -Makes text smaller

<big> insert big text here </big> -Makes text bigger

<button> insert text shown on the button here </button> -Allows you to add a programable button and add text on what the button says

<br> -Creates a line break

<img src="insert image file name here" width="insert width here" height="insert height here"> -Insert an image with chosen dimensions

<a href="insert link here"> insert linked text to be seen here </a> -Inserts a link